
Pastors, Elders, Deacons & Staff

Jeff Eckert

Pastor of Preaching & Vision

Jeff has served as Pastor of Preaching and Vision at Gracelife Beachside since the church relaunched in January of 2018. This is his second church plant, as he helped plant Gracelife Church in Deltona, Florida in 2015 with his good friend, Tommy Clayton.

Jeff has been married to his wife Lauren since 2010 and they have 3 sons - Jeremiah, Jonathan, and Jude. Jeff attended the Master's Seminary in Sun Valley, California where he has two earned masters degrees - A Masters of Divinity (2010) and a Masters of Theology in New Testament (2013).

Jeff is also passionate about counseling and walking with people through their pain and suffering. He is certified with the Association of Biblical Counselors, is certified with the HeartMath Institute in trauma informed breathwork therapy, and is currently pursuing his doctorate at Southern Seminary in Louisville.

Favorite Quote: “Holiness is nothing but the implanting, writing and living out the gospel in our souls” - John Owen

Brad Gornto

Elder Chairman

Brad became a Christian in 2006 as an adult when he was 33 years old.  He and his wife Cindy first visited Gracelife Beachside in January 2018.  They immediately fell in love with the church’s emphasis on both the Gospel culture and Gospel doctrine – and have grown richly in their FAITH ever since!   Brad and Cindy became members of Gracelife Beachside in March 2018, and Brad became a deacon later that year.  In 2020, Brad accepted Pastor Jeff’s invitation to pursue eldership and became an elder in 2022.   Brad serves the church in various other ways, including preaching occasionally, teaching, and providing his legal expertise on a pro-bono basis to the church.  Brad and Cindy also love being a part of their Gracelife Beachside “Home Group,” which they host in their home on a weekly basis.

Brad is an attorney who has been practicing law in the Ormond/Daytona Beach area since 2001.   Brad and Cindy have been happily married for 22 years, and together they have four children – Bryce, Owen, Joel, and Daisy. Cindy is also an attorney, however, she traded-in her legal career in 2013 for the much higher calling of educating Bryce, Owen, Joel, and Daisy at home.

Brad loves playing tennis, golf, reading (particularly the works of C.S. Lewis), and spending time with his family and friends.

Favorite Quote: “You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.”  - Augustine

Stephen Collins

Executive Pastor

Stephen first believed the gospel at fifteen. Over the last twenty-five-plus years—in relative ease and a little difficulty—Stephen has grown to understand more and more deeply the truth that the gospel is for all of life and that all of life is for Jesus Christ.

Stephen wants the good news of salvation, acceptance, and love in Christ to permeate his life, and he wants to see others enjoy the same.

Stephen is married to his wife, Elizabeth. They have been happily married since December, 2006. They have four daughters who add love, joy, beauty, humility, and prayer to their lives.
Stephen enjoys surfing, running, literature, philosophy, theology, steak, and other stuff. He has a heart to serve Christ at GraceLife Beachside and prays to this end.

Stephen's Favorite Expression - “all these woes shall serve for sweet discourses in our time to come.”

Tim Harbuck


Tim and Lyn have been happily married for 41 years and have four adult children, Christi, TJ, Buddy and Joey. Their kids have not only been a great blessing to them, but they have also been very instrumental in fostering their prayer lives (you know how kids can be 😊 ). They have seven grandchildren, Katelyn, Lindsey, Kendall, Daniel, James, Madison and Scarlet (and many more hopefully).

Tim has served in pretty much every capacity at Gracelife since its launch in 2018. Tim was our first head greeter, has led Bible studies, preached at times, led a homegroup for a season, and also served as a deacon since the church’s inception. Tim currently serves as an elder and teaches Equip on Sunday mornings. Lyn, his wife, works in the children’s ministry serving faithfully in the nursery.

Tim’s Favorite Expression: “*If we want people to change, we just have to get them to understand how much God’s loves them.*”

Tom Tacker


Tom and his wife, Nancy, knew and loved Pastor Jeff and Lauren for many years before the founding of Gracelife beachside. They have been members of the church since it’s inception in January 2018. They especially love their Gracelife home group, led by Brad and Cindy Gornto.

Tom and Nancy have been happily married 40 years and have four children - Nikki, Fred (technically son-in-law), Ben and Daniel as well as two grandchildren (so far, keep ‘em coming, kids!) Naomi and Hannah.

Tom leads the church new member orientation and teaches in the children’s church. He is an economics professor; Nancy is an advanced practice RN

Tom's Favorite Expression -   “at our church it’s OK to belong before you believe. “

Meet the Deacons

Paul Christakis


Mike Vanrhee


Todd Bentzel


Shari Bentzel



Meet the Staff

Stephen Collins

Executive Pastor

Rachel Edmonds

Children's Ministry Coordinator

Eugene Edmonds

Youth Leader